Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ok So between rows

I been writing with Sev' about hair coloring. And I dont know how many of you know this but ive got dreads that I used to dye burgundy, well I did it back in 2001 and have tried to dye it black repeatedly to no avail. It always bleeds out and is back to burgundy! grrrr... Help
Heres some photos:

The Front:

I want to add a few different colors in back but not sure if itll be the smart thing during school?

Back to knitting and to Sesame Street!

All advice welcome!


Thrown by MsFortuknit @ 1:45 PM

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Sadly I have no advice, but I LOVE your hair!!! I envy your dreads very much. You're beautiful ;)

Thrown by Blogger InkyW @ 3:08 PM #

You have lovely hair. I love dreads. I am too chicken to do it to my hair. Dreads are totally "in" in Portland. I don't have any advice on what to do about the color. Maybe I can ask my brither...he is a stylist in Chicago.

Thrown by Blogger Unknown @ 3:16 PM #

I've wanted dreads off & on for years. Dreads rule! The only time my hair dreads at all is when I've fried the living snot out of it, and then it dreads when I don't want it to. These days I just make some from nasty old synthetic falls & tie them in as ponytails.

It probably depends on the brand of black dye you use. Sometimes mine stays in forever and other times it fades pretty quick.

And dude, I do all kinds of crap to my hair during school and I'm 40. But then I'm an art student so they sort of ignore it. Or maybe they just think I'm an old weirdo. I'd say go for it!

Thrown by Blogger Severina @ 4:33 PM #

omigod! you have THE MOST gorgeous hair! personally i love the burgundy-black color(way)...but i understand your frustration with it. mmmm...I have (er, had) a stylist friend i could've asked, but he's not speaking to me right now. he might stick a curling iron in my eye.

see if Lani can find out first, before i endanger myself at the hands of an angry hairdresser...

then again, you know i'd do anything for you, right sweety? =)

Thrown by Blogger Obsidian Kitten @ 12:37 AM #
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