Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My First Time

Well hello all you beautiful unique knitting dolls. I just put up a post on my blog about starting a little project. It will be punked out knitting needles. No they aren't wood and I'm doing it all from scratch.

I do however have a little request... if you have a favorite theme or band let me know...
I have tons of ideas and I'm trying to narrow them down. I know this is a very broad request, but hopefully in a couple of weeks I can have my first set done and you can get a better idea!

I'm just a happy freaky knitter...

Hey Che' I posted a picture on my blog just for you.. you will love it!


Thrown by Anonymous @ 7:14 PM

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Ok, is there a question as to what is my favorite band? So put a little Mike Ness love in there, and my vote is for Social Distortion.

Thrown by Blogger Rachel @ 5:12 AM #

what a cool idea!

cats, skulls, things with fangs. (bats, vampires, tasmanian devils...)

yeah, i too have a thing for the mike ness and social distortion...but rachel called it first.


Thrown by Blogger Obsidian Kitten @ 9:13 PM #
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